Four-Day Workweek: Jumping on the Bandwagon

Syncresis is taking the plunge and migrating to a four-day workweek. Yes, we’re arguably jumping on a bandwagon, but it still makes good sense. Sometimes trends become trends because they are a good thing. Our work takes energy, creativity, strategic insight, and the emotional labor that it requires to treat our clients’ priorities as our own. We work in order to get the job done rather than to follow the hands of the clock and the turn of the calendar anyway.

Here’s how I framed it to the Syncresis team:

“I plan to use the day for research, planning, business strategy, creative projects, and sometimes just reading or spending more time outside so that I can maintain my energy and creativity. It will probably take some getting used to for me NOT to dive into emails and the whole swirl of things on Fridays, but it will result in a better version of Syncresis.

You’re welcome to use the day however you like—compulsory leisure is no benefit at all. Feel free to enjoy long weekends, do reading and research, or even catch up on Syncresis projects if you prefer a five-day week after all.”

Indeed, on this first Friday intended to be the first day of a weekend, I’m having a hard time holding back working on projects, checking my inbox, or looking at LinkedIn. It’s a process. But I have a good feeling about the eventual benefits.

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