Lead With Why: How to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader in Your Industry

Founders, innovators, product managers: When you’re building something new, it’s easy to start ignoring the why. It’s even more likely that you forget to be vocal about why.

Then you finally have something ready for investors or the market—but you feel like you’re starting at zero again. Your idea of what is new and better is in your head or in your product. But it’s not really in the world—not in a way that anyone can see.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to innovate in the woods and risk not making a sound. You can position yourself with insights about what’s broken, why it’s broken, and how to fix it. You can build belief, connect with investors, and find early-stage customers by learning to lead with the ideas that drive your product. Let’s talk about how.

Ideas-Led Growth

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