To Redistribute or To Derive?: Unmasking the Contradiction

It’s “wrong” to seek redistribution, right? Yet, somehow, accumulation, appropriate, and derivation are a “success story.”

An example: It would be absurd if someone called for big tech companies to pay out the entirety of their profits to people around the world. Of course.

But it’s brilliant that these same companies ingest our creativity and data without real compensation and monetize them.

The same dynamic occurs in any resource consumption-monetization system. There are only strategies: to redistribute or to derive.

So…is it that we should because they can, or that they shouldn’t because we can’t?

Or, because the game ends either way (whether as a win or a stalemate), should we just maintain the contradiction for as long as possible?

I don’t have an answer either way. How could I? We’re just going to have to see what happens.

And it seems more and more likely that we WILL see, soon.

Ideas-Led Growth

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