The Synergy Between Ideas and Stories

Seth Godin calls it story. I call it ideas. They function in many similar ways. They amplify each other. They spread.

“The reason that our attention has been strip-mined is that the system that evolved seems to reward short-term players that take the direct, easy, and lazy way out. While it seems like we have no choice, in fact, we have a very obvious one.

It turns out that finding, connecting and respecting a small group of supporters and customers always outperforms the hustle for more. And that if you can create a remarkable story that’s worth spreading, it’ll spread. Not because you need it to, but because your customers do.”

— Seth Godin

A story without ideas is just an anecdote. Ideas without stories (or—a unique wrinkle—without narrative structure and tension) just seem hollow.

Ideas-Led Growth

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