A Call to End Digital Pollution

The environment… Human rights… Democratic values… Content…

They have one thing in common. They’re collapsing. And it’s our collective fault.

I wish I had better answers for the first three. But even if I did, no one is asking me to be emperor.

What people ARE asking me is to help with “better” content. They’re seeing the all the meaningless, purposeless content sucking all the air and nutrients out of our digital environments. And they want space to live. They want to thrive there.

I think part of the answer is to stop thinking about “content” at all. It’s a filthy word. It ultimately means you are just doing something for the sake of filling a container. “Content” has no intent.

So instead, shift your thinking to “intent.” Write for a purpose. Not content creation for a channel. Not for the sake of checking a box, generating metrics, or appeasing an algorithm.

You can still call it “content” if you want (admittedly, the word helps people know what you mean). Or start calling it writing, creation, or something else. Just stop doing it as pollution.

Stop extracting people’s time and energy. Stop polluting and poisoning their attention. Be a champion of their humanity. Be an ecologist who loves the world and the people in it. Then write for them with values and love in mind.

Ideas-Led Growth

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