The Marketing Machine vs. the Human Heart

Let’s face it—writers are NOT an asset to marketing.

We are a constraint.

Because only so many humans can write only so much content during any given interval.

AI shows the potential of finally getting writers out of marketers’ way. You can generate virtually infinite content. No supply constraints at all.

Of course, the fantasy of infinite production ultimately requires the imperative of infinite consumption.

But who cares? You’re marketing! You have numbers to deliver!

On the other hand, that imperative will compel you as much as any of your targets. That’s the life you’ll have to live, too.

Or, instead, you could rethink the whole thing. You could set human dignity, care, and grace as first principles. It would be harder but better. Worst of all, it would leave you held back by the hands of writers and other makers.

Is the trade-off worth it? Is other people’s dignity worth it? Is yours? Your time to decide is right now.

Ideas-Led Growth

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