Living the Diamond Rule

You have a responsibility to yourself to treat other people well.

You have a responsibility to other people to treat yourself well.

You = yourself, your family, your team, your organization, and your local and national governments.

It’s kind of a variation on the Golden Rule but with more facets. Maybe it should be called the Diamond Rule. That would certainly be better than “Fox’s Intersubjective Responsibility Principle.”

The trick is figuring out how to apply it in real-world contexts, however.

Imagine you’re in a marketing role. Doesn’t it improve your results if you treat potential customers with dignity and respect? Doesn’t it increase your value to the business when you genuinely engage with other functions like sales and product? Don’t you get better at your work when you are healthy, well-rested, and constantly learning? Don’t marketing outcomes improve when you market with calm and poise rather than desperately chasing numbers?

You could ask the same questions about any context in which you participate. And about any group of which you are a member.

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