Turning Sleeplessness into Creative Gold

A lot of people binge-watch. But what about binge-thinking?

Around 2:30 AM, yet to fall asleep, I started flopping around in bed even more so. One of our cats had the same energy. Our other cat and my partner slept peacefully.

I had a couple of new ideas for topics I want to write about. I knew they were fantastic. So then I kept running the thoughts on repeat in order to remember them in the morning.

This is stupid, I thought. Just write them down. So I got up, walked into my office, and wrote them down. Great, now I can relax, right?

Nope. Back to bed, back to flopping around both physically and mentally. Fine, I’ll get up and write those down, too.

But I didn’t want to bring the notebook to bed. I still wanted to get at least SOME sleep. Using my phone was only going to make the problem worse. Voice recorder would wake up the house. But, I figured, at least now I can let my mind go slack.

Again, nope. One more idea. And again. Each time I told myself that would be the last one.

The question was whether these ideas would be real in the morning or whether I was just having an episode of some sort.

I told my partner about it all in the morning. He pointed out the many examples of the trope of having a “brilliant” idea that is nothing. I was even a little reluctant to look at the list. What if it’s “like flaming globes, Sigmund” (Seinfeld reference)?


Nope! Like binge-watching, it was much more than an episode. It was a full season of new things to write. Including this LinkedIn post, which was one of the last thoughts I binged on (at that point, we’re at around 5 AM).

Since I’m posting it, it’s the one I didn’t blur. The rest…you’ll see. I’m in love with them all and can’t wait to share that love.

Ideas-Led Growth

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