Speak Factish or Forever Hold Your LinkedIn Peace

Do you speak Factish?

Factish is a dialect of LinkedInese.

LinkedInese is a grammatically and lexically simplified version of English used for commerce and trading.

In the Factish dialect, there are no sentences. There is no narrative. You frame casual observations with all the certainty of fact or even of physical law.

Maybe you have an opinion about marketing. In traditional English, you might say that you’ve noticed a trend or a common behavior. In Factish, you frame it as a blunt and absolute statement.

In English, maybe you set up a post about the way you’ve noticed people posting with a joke or a strange comparison.

In Factish, you would say, “Marketers should frame every LinkedIn post as a law of nature.”

And that’s another aspect of Factish. You also have to work in a thinly veiled imperative that ties back to your self-interest. That’s why it can be hard to see the difference between Factish, Scoldish, and Shrillish. Reading things aloud can help.

Sometimes, the difference is just in the ear of the beholder.

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