Solving Writing and Marketing Dilemmas

Is it really a writing problem, or is it an organizational problem?

Writing projects often stumble when there’s a lack of clarity around decision making, responsibilities, and who ultimately decides and approves the final outcome.

So, ALWAYS engage the ultimate deciding stakeholders at the beginning of a project. Establish clarity on what decisions they will make and what their criteria will be.

Is it really a marketing problem, or is it a strategy problem?

Marketing initiatives often stumble when there’s a lack of clarity around the addressable market and what a company faces to address said market.

So, ALWAYS make sure to make your hypotheses explicit—really basic things like who would buy this and why? Plan for how you will address the market in product capabilities and via sales at the same time as you figure out how to reach that market.

Being even one or two degrees off-course can create a huge gap between departure and arrival. You may find yourself at a destination that no one wanted to reach.

Ideas-Led Growth

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