Why Authenticity Can’t Be Automated

So, time for a harsh truth. If you need AI to generate your “content ideas” for you, you are a fraud. You are doing nothing more than bullshitting people.

If someone is curious enough to gather some surface-level, maybe-or-maybe-not-accurate content about your subject matter, why wouldn’t they just use AI to generate it for themselves? Do you think you’re helping them by saving the trouble of a few rounds of prompts and AI responses on their own? Your output is just as valuable and just as ephemeral. But at least their own prompts have the advantage of being on their terms, at their discretion.

Rather than spending time learning how to generate better content or more ideas for repurposing the same content:

– Go do something and learn from it

– Go learn something and do it

– Go read a book, talk to people

– Go for a walk, see a few things

– Go develop the requisite credibility

Then you’ll have ideas and value to share instead of simply being the person who took the trouble to prompt an AI instead of your reader. You won’t need “content ideas.”

You see, skills, knowledge, experience, stories, and wisdom aren’t barriers to entry that you can circumvent with AI. They are the sources of ideas, meaning, and communication. The rest is just content for the sake of content. And that content is the very definition of bullshit.

Ideas-Led Growth

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