“Jargon” is a Lazy Label

Pointing at something and calling it “jargon” is not a way for writers to add value. It’s a common form of low-value contribution from content psuedo-specialists who know nothing about the subject matter and who have no connection to or understanding of the intended audience.

The jargon maneuver is a way for content people to pretend they are adding value when they are simply gumming up the works or even subtracting value.

Let me put it this way. As a writer, your lack of understanding of my topic is your problem, not mine. Figure it out. Prepare. Then simplify if and only if the purpose of the written piece is to make a topic more accessible.

If I know what I mean AND my real-world readers know what I mean, then just stop.

If I know what I mean and my real-world readers need an explanation, then don’t tell me my language is jargon. Do the work and explain it.

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