When you see someone making claims about “most marketers,” keep in mind:
- There are 2.5M marketers in the United States and 6M counting marketing-adjacent roles like sales, public relations, fundraising, user experience, and graphic design.
- Globally there are at least 6.5M marketers and 15M professionals in marketing-adjacent roles.
(Source: American Marketing Association)
Stop and ask yourself whether that person has any knowledge of what at least 1.25 million + 1 marketers in the U.S. or at least 3.25 million + 1 marketers globally might be saying, doing, feeling, or believing.
Have they read a rigorously sampled marketing study? Or even a poorly conducted one?
There’s a lesson here. If you have an assertion to make, just make it. And if you want to use data, use it, don’t pretend to use it.