The Power of Interaction Without Expectation

A more accurate title for Charles Duhigg’s Supercommunicators would be “How to Use Friends and Get Things From People.” Some of the insights are interesting enough, until you realize they are a guide to straight-up sociopathic behavior. Even if you make it up with the lipstick of “connection,” using vulnerability to obtain an outcome is […]

The End of Comparative Success

What if we all understood that… – Your brags have nothing to do with my success and mine have nothing to do with yours? – Your assertions have nothing to do with my challenges, nor mine with yours? And what if we all acted accordingly? What if we all understood ourselves as having lots to […]

Nurturing Excellence with Grace and Love

I’m all in on quiet luxury. And quiet success. Quiet success creates my calm approach to helping my clients and delivering work with grace, craft, and love. It’s not a formula I’m going to pretend you can replicate. You can’t. Quiet success means these cats and this beach. It comes from these hands these skills […]

Embracing the Diamond Rule

You have a responsibility to yourself to treat other people well. You have a responsibility to other people to treat yourself well. You = yourself, your family, your team, your organization, and your local and national governments.

Living the Diamond Rule

You have a responsibility to yourself to treat other people well. You have a responsibility to other people to treat yourself well. You = yourself, your family, your team, your organization, and your local and national governments. It’s kind of a variation on the Golden Rule but with more facets. Maybe it should be called […]

Marketing That Matters

Marketers often get a bad rap, especially in complex B2B. Their peers in other areas of the business tend to think marketing just doesn’t get it. They overcompensate by trying to demonstrate results with data that is divorced from outcomes anyone actually wants or needs. It creates a disconnect between marketers who are experts in […]

The Importance of Sharing Your Vision

Aaaaand, we’re back… Spend time this year looking deeply at what you think and what you are choosing to commit to. And then tell people about it! Doing so benefits individuals, teams, and entire companies. Moreover, it directs those benefits outwards so that you are actively working on making a world better. That world doesn’t […]

What Matters and What Doesn’t

I love the idea of a short, simple “care about list” — both do and don’t. – I don’t care about doing things I find crass or graceless just for the sake of empty digital rewards or in pursuit of illusory hustle.– I don’t care about what I refer to in my own mind as […]

The Essence of Thought Leadership

In some ways, thought leadership is just content CREATED by and for people who are passionate about what they do and SHARED in order to inspire and spread change. Once you remove the anxiety and buzzwords and nonsense, it comes down to one thing: care.

When Identity Becomes a Crime

Write down three words that describe your identity. Not behavior, not traits, but who you fundamentally are. Then imagine waking up to find out that a top leader in your government believes one of those things should be criminalized. Not discriminated against. Criminalized. That’s what has happened. The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, […]

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