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Radical Ideas, Powerful Sentences

Explore how radical thinking and powerful sentences can elevate your thought leadership. Inspired by Hao Jingfang’s Jumpnauts and the sharp prose of Rachel Cusk, we delve into the power of collaboration and the art of compression, offering fresh perspectives to make your ideas resonate more deeply.

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A dog, cow, hedgehog, and fox in a field together

Dogs, Cattle, Hedgehogs, and Foxes

Generalists add immense value by bridging gaps and ensuring that different parts of an organization work in harmony. But when generalists try to pose as specialists, they risk creating unnecessary complexity, diluting their true strengths, and eroding trust.

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When Disciplines Collide

Many people train for specialization within specific disciplines. Journalism degrees lead to journalism careers, marketing degrees lead to marketing careers, etc. Even when people go to school for something else, career paths tend to create tracks. But collaboration is inherently interdisciplinary. People have to come together to get things done.

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The Fiction Edition

Everything is a relationship between elements within a system. Independence is simply a standpoint in such relationships. Interdependence—the relationship between systems. And it is the oscillation of intra-, inter, and independence that makes us whole, whole within wholes.

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The Parrots and the Lions

In today’s digital landscape, what’s called “thought leadership” has become a race to the bottom, chasing the lowest common denominator. It lacks two essential ingredients: thinking and leading. Regardless of all the squawking about content, thought leaders do have a choice, however. Join the parrots, or roar at the lions.

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Intradependence Day

Everything is a relationship between elements within a system. Independence is simply a standpoint in such relationships. Interdependence—the relationship between systems. And it is the oscillation of intra-, inter, and independence that makes us whole, whole within wholes.

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